Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Parenting the Brady Way....

In this month's issue of Parenting magazine, Brendan Brady shares his expertise and some tips on how to be the perfect dad...

Things We'll Never See: Brady Pole Dancing with Ice-Cream

There are certain things we are probably never going to see onscreen, but which we truly need in our lives. I feel that Brendan Brady pole-dancing with ice-cream is definitely one of those things.

A life-enhancing image indeed.

We'll probably also never see Stephen with a beard, wearing a bonnet.  Maybe that's less of a tragedy, but still....

If you have any "Things We'll Never See" which you'd like to see, let me know.  But please bear in mind, I am an untrained monkey with ancient Photoshop software, not a miracle worker.  Sadly, most of the very BEST "Things We'll Never See" are not do-able.  Too bad, I know.

Need a body dumped? Who you gonna call?...

Got an annoying corpse lying around, causing unpleasant odours and spoiling your vibe?  You need the services of an experienced body dump operative, and it seems Warren Fox is the best there is.  Or at least the most enthusiastic, anyway.

Luckily, he's in the Yellow Pages...

Yes, news from Spoilersville is that young Seth will soon be needing the services of Mr Fox and his fantastic body dumping skills.  Let's hope he does a better job with this one than the last one - Mr Brady was not a satisfied customer when Danny Houston bobbed back up to the surface on a kiddie's fishing line.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Men in Uniform...

Request - Canadian Mountie Ste!...

So cute!
And while we're at it (uniforms), I don't think Stephen would resist a strip search from Officer Brady...

Silas of the Lambs...Brendan V Silas??

So, it looks like Brendan might be onto Silas after all, despite Lynsey's excellent job of making herself look a total basketcase.  DC RandyPants Scott is too busy getting into schoolgirls' knickers to do much detective work, so it's no wonder the investigation into the serial killer is stalling.  Could it take a killer to catch a killer?  Might some Brendan/Silas cat-and-mouse be on the cards?  Oh yes please...

(Not my idea again, by the way. Thanks to fellow lounge lizard C&S for this one.)

Friday, 5 August 2011

Happy Anniversary Double B!

Yes, it's one year since Brendan appeared on our screens, and to celebrate, I BAKED! 

Yes, that's right. A sssspecial Brady day calls for novelty baked goodies, so a little moustachioed gingerbrendan man it is.  (The mess above his rather jazzy shirt is supposed to be lush chest hair!) 

And to prove I really did make him (not just photoshop trickery), here I am with his hot naked body (!) before adding the icing.  

Obviously I can not bring myself to bite his head off, but my hubby is a man who likes biscuits...a lot.  ....Run, run, as fast as you can, little GingerBrendanMan!